Shishir Issue - 2013
Wishing all members a joyous festive season ahead! The Indian Society of Neuro-Oncology (ISNO) is growing well with more than 240 members and had a rather exciting and event filled year. One of the highlights was the successful holding of its 5th Annual Meeting along with the 10th meeting of the Asian Society for Neuro-Oncology (ASNO) earlier this year in Mumbai. The conference met its goals and was hailed as one of the best organised meetings. In addition to a high quality scientific and social programmes, it also provided an excellent platform to showcase the current status of clinical pratice and reserch activities in basic and clinical sciences in neuro-oncology from India and other Asian countries.
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“Basant Issue” 2009 - Volume 1, Number 1
I have always loved the spring. The grass looks so green, flowers are on the verge of blooming and there is celebration of new life everywhere. It is so appropriate therefore to bring out the inaugural issue of the NOSI newsletter this time of the year and hope this will be the beginning of many productive and fruitful endeavours in future. As some of you are aware, the NeuroOncology Society of India (NOSI) was launched on February 29th, 2008 in Mumbai with a view to promote and advance the scientific knowledge and research in tumours arising from the nervous system. We all know that management of these tumours involves a truly multidisciplinary approach...
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Tumours of the nervous system are fascinating. They affect all ages, right from the infants, children, adolescents, adults and the old. From a histopathology perspective, these tumours can be benign and indolent, locally aggressive and some of them very malignant. Tumours such as meningiomas and pituitary adenomas may be so slow growing and causing no symptoms whatsoever that they may well be not diagnosed at all or diagnosed only as an incidental finding (incidentilomas), yet sometimes these very tumours may exhibit a more aggressive form and cause many forms (and intensity) of neurological deficit to the patient. Primary parenchymal tumours of the central nervous system...
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